(Under construction but I hope to be helpfull with this basic english approach)
The Ferran is a rigid reflector oven designed to play and discover.
A robust companion for a vacation were pack size counts.
For example, the oven fits nicely in a motorcycle sidecase.
How it works
Stand close to the fire and slowly you feel that the at first so comfortable heat roasts your shins.
You feel the radiant heat and we use this heat as the basis for a reflection oven.
The oven reflects the heat of the flames and in this way it warms your food.
Specifications size: 40 x 28 x 1,5cm.
weight: 2,0 kg.
bake size: 38 x 20 x ~10cm*
(*the oven is large enough for 1 chicken, 2 mess tin's, a ordinary baking tin or a pizza.) Order
The Ferran reflector oven is still made on request.
When you are interested you can contact me @